Tuesday, August 31

August's Lovely Links - Great Blogs and Top Posts....

August is gone, and it's time to celebrate another month of great posts with another Lovely Links Showcase!!

So, link up your most inspiring, colourful, thought provoking, funny, crafty, beautiful, comforting, entertaining, or just 'fave' posts for the month!

Let's share our magnificent blogs around and get to know one another.

Subscribers... you'll need to click through to the actual post to see the link tool!


Monday, August 30

A Tub and A Rug!

Don't you love it?

A gorgeous bathroom with a rug I think is super sweet (and can definitely see at my place due to the touches of red!)

Linda. xox


Monday Music - Beth

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


Today I'm featuring my favourite KISS song of all time. Yep.... I used to love KISS, I admit it. But who would've thought they'd ever produce something like this.


And, what's more, at the end of this video he says "God bless you all Australia, thank you so much Melbourne"! So this was filmed just down the road from me!

Here it is.... Beth:

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:


Saturday, August 28

Eclectic Home Full Of Pattern, Warmth, and Colour... And It's For Sale!

I came across this gorgeous apartment in New York whilst blog travelling the other day. The owner writes the fab blog Trail Of Inspiration, and has lived in this wondrous space for 14 years. You can see her in the last picture creating her art on the kitchen floor!

I just adore the eclectic nature of it.... the artwork, the patterns, the colours. It resonates with a much loved, nurturing, and vibrant atmosphere. And, that nook... wow!!

So, if perchance you live in the great NY, and you're looking to buy a new apartment, take a look at this one!

I could sooooo live here..... if only I lived in New York and had a much bigger bank account!

Linda. xox


Friday, August 27

A Weekend Wish.... Could It Get Any Better Than This?

This weekend may you find somewhere peaceful and gorgeous to relax, unwind, and perhaps read a good book!

Happy weekend everyone.

Linda. xox


Thursday, August 26

My Sanity Is At Stake.....

It's becoming a VERY large problem and I've decided to do something about it before my online sanity is completely overtaken and I go 'Tumbling' into madness....

Tumblr madness that is.

Every day I seem to find more Tumblrs to love, devour, savour, and sift through, and my bookmarks are starting to overflow.

So, I've decided to keep all my Tumblr links right here where I know they're only a click away and I can sort them to my heart's content.

Besides... if they're right here, then you can get lost in them too every now and then. (Be warned though, Tumblrs are addictive..... a bit like tattoos for tattoo fanatics).

In no particular order (but all fabulous), here's a few to get started:

The Beautiful Soup
Heart Home
Japanese Flower Garden
Little Book Of Secrets
My Cup of Tea
Design Is My Muse
Mod Livin
Trace Paper
La Belle Vie
Heaven Is Here
Pretty Inspirations
Brocante Home
Just Be Splendid
La Boom
Step Into My Attic
Think Decor
Turquoise Tulips and Bliss
Simply Sun
The Decorista
Mary Ruffle
The World We Live In
Birch and Lily
Early Mornings
Charming Ages
The Looking Glass
Cottage In The Woods
Plays With Scissors
Hearts Aflutter

I'll post more of them as I get time... there's lots to go!!!

Linda. xox


3 Things To Love - Lovely Walls of Art

I think there's an owl on the wall below. Can you see him?!

Here's another 'wall'. I have a fascination with religious iconography and symbolism, so I love this wall.

And, some pretty flowers. A simple 'display of affection' for a particular subject or fascination is so easy to undertake with a bare wall, a collection of adored pics, and some time. You don't even have to frame them!

Ask yourself: 'What is it I have a fascination for?' Or, 'Do I have a collection of drawings/art/images I'd like to display?'

Which leads to: 'If I do have a collection of things I could display....... where could I display them?' Or, put more simply...'Have I got a bare wall?'

Because: Displaying a collection of things we feel an affinity with connects us to our home in a very personal and intimate way.

Linda. xox


Wednesday, August 25

Bobbi From 'The Lazy Designer..... Please Meet Mel From 'Little Ted Canvas'....

Oooh, it's sort of like matchmaking!

I have two lovely bloggy friends, and they both have something in common!

Bobbi (from the marvellous and always entertaining The Lazy Designer), has a 'thing' for Snow White.

Here's some pics (below) from her blog post about it the other day. She's 39 and she still has her toy Snow White cottage, and she still loves to play with it (as does her cute cat Sofia).

I think that's super cool. It's the things we love that bring us joy. And, bringing out our inner child by not being afraid to give ourselves permission to experience those things, no matter how silly we may think we're being (if that's the case), is feeding our soul.

And, lo and behold, it looks like Mel from Little Ted Canvas (another glorious blog.... very crafty and talented is Mel), has a bit of a 'thing' for Snow White too!

She makes cute brooches featuring Snow White and some of the Seven Dwarves. Love it!

So Bobbi... meet Mel!

For everyone else, here's those links again.... lots of goodies to see and read about at either of these lovely ladie's fabulous blogs.

The Lazy Designer
Little Ted Canvas

Linda. xox


Light Filled Home In Spain!

It's been awhile since I've featured a home from Mi Casa Revista, so here's a lovely light filled duplex with fab furniture, vintage bits and bobs, and..... oh yeah..... great cushions!

I really like the fab drawers in the fourth image, and the lovely chest of drawers in the main bedroom.

And, as the Winter over here in Aus seems to be the dreariest, dullest, coldest, wettest one in my living memory.... looking at this home filled with natural light reminds me Spring will arrive one day!

What do you think?

Linda. xox

More - Here's some more fabulous Micasa Revisita homes to eyeball!...
A Stunning Apartment With A Balcony
A Dazzling House In Spain
A Beautiful Chalet Of Gorgeousness
A Home With A Lovely Mix Of Colours
A Teeny Studio Apartment - Could You Live Here?


Tuesday, August 24

Birds Painted On Door Panels... Wow!

I love the magazine World Of Interiors... always so many inspiring things to look at and soak in. It's like entering another world every time you turn a page. Just found this wonderful image on Penny Morrison's site and HAD to share.

What a fabulous way to weave images of something you love into the 'tapestry' of your home. The bird pics in the foreground and on the back door are painted onto the panels of the doors - brilliant!

If I had panelled doors I could imagine doing the same thing with some owls or butterflies.... both of which I've 'gotta thing' for.

Linda. xox

Snippets - Weaving images or objects related to those things you've 'gotta thing' for into the 'tapestry of your home' is a beautiful way to connect to your surroundings. Here's some of my favourite 'things'...******

Monday, August 23

Monday Music - Let The River Run...

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


Today I've dug out the video of 'Let The River Run', taken from the soundtrack of the 1989 movie 'Working Girl' starring Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith.

Carly Simon is the singer, and featuring just as prominently as the size of her huge mouth is the HUGE hair everybody has throughout....

...OMG!!! I can't believe we used to wear our hair like that! I'm sure I never did (I hope not anyway.... at least there's no pictures of me anywhere with hair like that!).

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:


Saturday, August 21

The Pug 'Head Tilt'...

How cute is this!

I was around at a good friend's house tonight for some great thai food, chocolate, and bubbly.... and we were looking at stuff on You Tube.

Animals are so wonderful to have around aren't they!

I think I want a pug!

Apparently this is something all pugs do...... the 'head tilt'!

Linda. xox


Friday, August 20

This Weekend May You....

Dine deliciously...

Slumber peacefully...

Bathe to your heart's content.

Happy weekend everyone. :)

Linda. xox


Thursday, August 19

It's Because Of The Cushions....

I'm indulging myself today... 3 rooms full of magnificent cushions.... happy time for me!!

Linda. xox


Wednesday, August 18

Come Dine With Me - No. 9 - Small But Spunky!

I love this small but very cheery dining area... the splashes of orange and red really bring it to life with some zing!

And, as always, as a part of this series.....

Ask yourself: 'Do I savour the ritual of eating with my family/friends whenever I can?'

Which leads to: ' When, or how, can I include this precious time together more?'

Because: There's something so primitively delightful and bonding about the 'breaking of bread' (so to speak) with our loved ones. It's a ritual and a tradition that's been crowded out and lost amongst television, technology, and texting! It's time to 'get together' and connect the old fashioned way again.

Linda. xox

P.S: Love those cushions with the big, bold, bright print on them!

More - Lots more dining rooms to drool over!


Butterflies Made From Maps........ Wow!


.... I've 'gotta thing' for butterflies, and I've 'gotta thing' for maps.

So, when I came across these today.... two personal fascinations collided with glee! Two of my most favourite things combined into one - magnificent!

Oh how I'd love some of these to put on my wall. They're not cheap though..... ranging between 200 and 500 pounds each. I wonder if I could do something similar myself with some old maps and my scrapbooking templates or tools? Hmmmmmm....

The name of the wondrous people who make these treasures is 'Image Surgery'. Gotta love that in itself.

The first butterfly, above, is made from an original vintage street map of Rome.

The butterflies below are made from original vintage street plans of Rome and London, and geological surveys from Australia and Africa.

The gorgeous butterfly above is made from an original vintage map showing the River Severn Estuary northeast of Chepstow, including the towns of Hewelsfield, Woolaston, Purton and Sharpness.

You can see more butterflies made from things like lunar charts, celestial charts, and different maps at Image Surgery's fab website.

What a stunning way to bring two things I love most into my home environment in a simple, yet eye-catching way.

Do you like them?

Linda. xox

More - What have you 'gotta thing' for? I've 'gotta thing' for these...


Tuesday, August 17

A Little Hand Felted Nest With Blue Robins' Eggs!

I found this gorgeous little hand felted nest by Telurian Arts on Etsy today, and just had to share.

As I've 'gotta thing for trees' and most things found in them, this darling felt sculpture (3 inches across) would be something I'd happily display amongst my other objects of affection.

I can just imagine picking it up and cradling it as I would a real nest if I came across one.

Such a lovely way to bring something that gives me joy into my interior world without bringing harm to any real birds and their offspring.

You can see more of Telurian Art's wonderful creations and photography at her Etsy Shop.

Linda. xox

More - Here's the direct links to 3 of my other fave Etsy sellers...
Paper Eclectiques - unique and custom paper pieces.
Le French Circus - paper goods, handcrafted goodies, and illustrations.
Plum Pretty Sugar - the most gorgeous robes and lingerie..... ever!


Monday, August 16

Monday Music - Missy Higgins...

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


Today I've got two songs from my favourite Aussie female recording artist for you. Her name is Missy Higgins, and she's fab! I saw her in concert about a year and a half ago and I have to say... she's the best performer live I have EVER seen. She writes all her own stuff, and the girl can play multiple instruments as well.

Very talented.

Song one is called 'The Special Two', a beautiful, beautiful song. The second is called Peachy, and is much more vibrant! Enjoy.

And, here's a more upbeat Missy..... I love this one!

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:


Friday, August 13

When Kindness Touches... A Weekend Wish and Some Lovely Weekend Wanderings...

This weekend, my wish for you is that you can give, or receive, a little bit of kindness.

Kindess is such a simple thing.

Easy to give, great for the recipient AND the giver.

Adding a little bubble of 'good' to someone's day by showing them kindness makes the world better one moment, one breath, one memory at a time.

Why not find someone to be kind to this weekend....

... it only takes a few seconds...

... but it might make their day...

... or even be something they remember forever.


Weekend Wanderings: Check out these lovely sites where 'kindness' reigns!

Operation Nice
Kind Over Matter
Loving Your Life

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)

Linda. xox

More - Weekend wishes and wanderings to soak up!


Thursday, August 12

So True...

Linda. xox

More - Words of wisdom to inspire and delight you.

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