Monday, October 3

Monday Mojo - Lost For Words (for a change)...

This quote, (discovered today whilst browsing, has struck me in such a profound way for some reason, that I'm quite speechless as to what to say about it, and I need to think about it quite a bit more.

Instead, I'll just say Happy Monday everyone, and as always at the beginning of the week... may your mojo be with you.

Linda. xox



  1. so true. And can I add that most of the time those strings are pulled out of envy? If I had to listen to other people, I wouldn't have my shop now. So many told me not to do it and when I actually did they disappeared from my life. It's sad.

  2. This is a deep one. Even to the point that it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. Which means it is triggering something within me that I'm trying to ignore. Hmmm.....

  3. You don't need them Bobbi... it's sad that they disappeared, but you're deserving of true friends. The ones who've stuck by you are the ones meant for you. Strings do get pulled out of envy don't they.... interesting thought for me to ponder.

    And Sacha, I reckon if something makes you feel a bit on edge or uncomfortable it's a good thing in a way.... at least it makes us think.

    Some people ask me why I go to watch movies that may make me feel uncomfortable or push a few boundaries in my mind. I think it's good for me to get out of my comfort zone and have to think about things I might not want to. I can always choose not to go or not to think about it if it gets too uncomfortable.

    I think we often learn more from situations of discomfort.

    My best friend and I always lament the fact that if we were blissfully ignorant of the majority of things around us like so many people are we'd probably seem a heck of a lot happier most of the time.

    But we always decide we'd rather be aware and slightly miserable at times (I'm pretty positive most of the time) rather than ignorant and happy non-stop!

    Linda. xox


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx

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