Monday, April 25

Monday Mojo - Time To Get Your Mojo On!

Almost since I started Heartfire At Home I've been posting some fab music on a Monday morning to start the week off with a bang!

However, I've decided to stir Mondays up a little for a bit of a change, so I'm introducing you to Monday Mojo!

Monday Mojo will include motivational, magical, and musical posts to get your week off to a great start... inspirational and motivational quotes, magical moments in design, and (because I can't leave out my all important music altogether), magnificent musical must haves.

Every now and again, it may also include something tinged with madness (ie. a bit nutty!!) to make you think in a weirdly fascinating way.


For today's Mojo, I leave you with an insightful quote by one of my all time favourite people to begin your week.

May you be one of the few.

Now, go get your mojo on this week!

Linda. xox


1 comment:

  1. I think we all need a bit of help with our mojos on a Monday, so I'm happy you're coming to the rescue.

    PS. That's a wonderful quote.


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx

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