Monday, December 12

Hugs To You..... And, I'm Still Here!

Hello my lovelies!!!

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth!

Just been super busy doing a few very involved things that have gotten in the way of cyberspace time. Some have been resolved (school reports done, play for Ballarat National Theatre rehearsed and all performances over, new day career - BIG change - for next year organised), and some still to go.

However, it'll be pretty much back to normal here soon hopefully!

Bobbi, Sacha, and Jenn, I'll be coming to visit soon my friends!

To get into the spirit of the giving season, here's a lovely video about something that's really easy to give, and doesn't cost anything.

Side note.... hugs are great, and so is a home that feels like it's hugging you every time you walk in the door.

That's how you know you've really come 'home'.

Happy 'almost holidays' everyone!

Linda. xox



  1. Glad to know things are OK! ;-)

    I rather suspected you took a dose of your own 'set your priorities - clearing the roadblocks' advice - but still feeling some withdrawal symptoms! ;-D

    Excited to hear about the BIG change...

  2. ha, this is funny. I was about to send you an e-mail to see if everything was fine, but I decided to take a look at your blog see that you're still alive!
    And I'm really excited for the big change too!!

  3. I've been absent of late too ... life can be busy and so hard to juggle sometimes. I'm glad to hear you're doing OK and I shall just have to send a hug your way!

    PS. Looking forward to hearing more about your future plans. :)

  4. Merry Christmas Linda!!

  5. Merry Christmas Linda - and hope you had a wonderful bday! Sorry, only saw somewhere that it's in December, so guessing it's already been ;-)
    Hope the year ahead will be magical and full of love and laughter!


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx

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