Friday, February 24

The 'Circle of Daydreams'

I've started a new website and blog over here!

I can't wait to share a variety of adventures and printables with you.

Please come and visit me at Circle of Daydreams.

I can't wait to see you!

Linda. xox

Friday, November 8

Since It Is So Likely... Another Gem from C.S. Lewis

One of my favourite authors is C. S. Lewis. I devoured all the Narnia series when I was little, but I've also enjoyed his books for adults such as 'That Hideous Strength'. Some of my most remembered quotes come from this deep thinking man.... not least this one.

As a teacher of primary children, I've always firmly believed that one of the best ways to teach morals and lessons is to get them engaged in, and enjoying good, classic literature. The stories I immersed myself in as a child for hours on end, shaped and moulded part of the person I am today. I learned many things amongst the pages written by great authors, and continue to do so.

Books helped me grow a backbone and develop my brain!

Linda. xox

PS: The full quote is...

“Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.”

C.S. Lewis

Monday, October 14

Monday Mojo - Finish Each Day....

This Monday morning, I hope you're ready for a week of great happenings, new ideas, and fresh starts!

May your mojo be with you all week.

Linda. xox

Monday, October 7

Overlap is GOOD - In Fact, It's Necessary!

Just pondering....

Linda. xox

Tuesday, October 1

I'm Having A Mid-Life Decorating Crisis

You know how much I like red - right?

Well.... lately, even though I still LURVE red, I find myself being drawn a lot more to more soothing and earthy colours like greys, greens, and various browns (although still with pops of beautiful, lovely colour!).

Plants too. I suddenly want a lot more plants around me.

Plus, not ever having been a lover of white walls, I seem to be noticing a certain gravitation towards them lately.

And, I've also always been one to cocoon myself in rooms that have lovely curtains to screen the light and make my rooms feel hidden away from the outside world in a sort of secret place of my own. A sort of dimly lit, mellow nest. Which I still adore...


I'm slowly but surely developing this feeling of wanting barer windows with more light streaming in during the day.

                                                                Image source - Emma's Blog

This has NEVER been me for as long as I can remember.

Even though I simply love being outside, especially anywhere near beautiful trees and forests, I've not been one for looking through my windows outside. I'm either out there enjoying it, or inside hibernating.

Now I want to throw the windows wide and let the world in!



And so, for whatever reason, I'm changing.

It may be just for now, or it might be a longer term thing. Who knows. Either way.........

COOL. :)

Linda. xox
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