Monday, December 6

Monday Music - Shine...

This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).

Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)

Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.

So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!


I had my Vanessa Amorosi CD blasting out earlier on, so naturally, the logical choice for this week's Monday Music was a little bit of Vanessa!

This is one of her slow songs, but also one of my favourites. I think it was the second single she released, quite a few years ago now!

And don't forget, if you're looking for more great music, Bec over at Memory Garden often has a lovely song to listen to on Mondays as well!

And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...

Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'

Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'

Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!

Linda. xox

The Original Musical Must Have:



  1. I do like Vanessa Amorosi! SOrry I have'nt played along lately, I always think about it but just havent been getting on the computer in the mornings lately, it seems my little ones are requiring more 'mummy in the morning' lately. arrhh!! lol

  2. Bec, I know what you mean... I seem to have been not getting everything done on the computer lately either... real life gets in the way! I've not been getting around to as many blogs as I'd like (including your gorgeous blog) to leave comments and am feeling slightly guilty about that. Hopefully I'll get some time to play catch up soon.

    Linda. xox

  3. Vanessa has an amazing voice. This is a great song. I do like her more recent stuff too.

    Sandy K


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx