Thursday, December 9

A Book Nook In Lavender...

How about curling up here and losing yourself in a brilliant book?

What could be better?

And, speaking of books, there's still heaps of time to win one in this give-away. You'll also get some lovely soy candles to create an extra cozy atmosphere, some lovely vintage teaspoons, and two beautifully engraved stones to keep.

Just pop over and leave a comment to win!

There's not many entries, so you're chances of winning are huge!

Linda. xox



  1. I think I would never want to leave that bed. I often take a pile of books with me to bed but then never know what to do with them when I'm done since there's often one or two piles already on the night table. This built-in bookcase would solve the problem.

  2. Ohhh my...this would be the perfect place for me. There is a window and i love to read by the window, with natural lught, and I love the color and the fireplace!!!
    In my dream home there is a fireplace and a nook so this picture sums up my two dreams.
    Well, in my dream home there is also a garden large enough for a horse and goats and a natural pond with ducks. Dream big, they say.

    How was your birthday? I hope you had a fantastic day.


  3. I love it. Purple is my favorite color and I love books. What a beautiful little nook!

  4. What a gorgeous nook. I'd plant myself there and never move.

    Sandy K

  5. My birthday was great Bobbi! Had to work, but managed to shift a few things around so I could have a long lunch with friends at a lovely place called 'Eclectic Tastes'. Then I had a lovely family tea with a nice chocolate birthday cake!

    Lovely pressies too..... a purple top, ear-rings, bracelets, a locket necklace, an owl (of course), perfume, more owls..... yay!

    At work I got a cake as well and everyone sang Happy Birthday. One of the kids at school also stopped me in the hallway (on his way back from his violin lesson), and got out his violin and played Happy Birthday for me! For an 8 year old he did a magnificent job!

    The school choir (which I conduct) had its last performance of the year at our city's main library down town, and that went off well with lots of people attending with their children.

    All in all a fantastic day!!


    P.S. I agree - Dream Big!

  6. I love the idea of having a nook like that to hide away in with lots of blankets, a cup of coffee and a great book ... and would probably end up napping many hours away there too! ;)

  7. OMG - what a perfect, perfect room! I'd never leave! Having said that - I do now wonder what the rest of the house looks like. And where it is situated - maybe somewhere rural with a forest and a lake...


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx