Tuesday, July 6

A Little Girl's Room To Delight!

I love the eclectic, simple, colourful, whimsical and heartfelt nature of this little girl's room.

Children deserve their own little world of fascination, comfort, and connection. A child's room truly is their 'corner of the world', and it's not hard or expensive to make it inviting, special, and nurturing.

A few home-made touches, treasured possessions on display, bright and colourful furniture, enchanting additions like fairy lights and soft things to snuggle = a wonderful place to play and grow.

Linda. xox



  1. Linda, I have always seen my room as this: fascination, connection and comfort ;) I adore little girl's rooms! ;) and the shoes!!!!!! :p much luv! xx Jenn


I'm very grateful for your participation.

Until next time may your home be full of lots of love, laughter, and life!

Linda. xx